We Strive & We Do
The development and application of creative, imaginative, and resourceful solutions that solve problems in ways that drive our world forward.
How Are You the F.I.R.S.T.?
Alpha Kappa Alpha women are not only known to set it off, but to set the trend and break the mold! In what way are YOU the FIRST to soar to new, unchartered heights in your chapter, the NAR region, professional industry or community/world at large?
The F.I.R.S.T. Edition believes in giving YOU your flowers - pink tea roses, that is!
Submissions (from all levels of active membership) are welcome for a possible feature in our subsequent quarterly publication! (100-word max).
Your 2022-2024 Undergraduate Activities Committee is proud to announce our new undergraduate theme!
Mental Health
Let’s continue to set the standard and keep our Pinkie P.R.O.M.I.S.E. to Serve All Mankind!
Want to be a Leadership Fellow? Applications will be due February 1, 2023, at 11:59 pm est electronically via requirements on application and in Fall IvyLeaf.
In an innovative approach to service and sisterhood, the F.I.R.S.T. Administration has instituted the Dream Team designed to inspire, encourage and empower undergraduates across the region. Under the leadership of the International Representative to the Undergraduates Activities Committee, Lauren Marks of Xi Omicron, our undergraduates proudly commits to the P.R.O.M.I.S.E. of sisterhood and service to all mankind.
Check out Soror Lauren’s charge highlighting the 2022-2024 Undergraduate Activities Committee’s new undergraduate theme!
Tune in for this Undergraduate Audio!

~Soror Lauren Marks, Xi Omicron
Ivy Connections
The North Atlantic Region F.I.R.S.T. administration is pleased to announce the launch of the “Ivy Connections” Committee led by Sorors Renay Butler and Shenae Draughn. The purpose of this committee is to provide sorors with professional growth and networking opportunities in their chosen career field. Ivy Connections will include the following eleven career focus areas to start: Communications, Education, Entrepreneurship, Finance/Banking, Healthcare, Human Resources, Legal, Marketing & Advertising, Real Estate, Social Work, and Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM).
Madam Regional Director's vision for the Ivy Connections Committee is to build a SOROR FIRST network where resources are one call or click away. Our goals are multifaceted and include, connecting sorors within the North Atlantic Region, sharing best practices for each career field and job opportunities, providing tips and tools to reach your professional career goals, offering coaching and mentor/mentee opportunities, and creating sisterly bonds through networking.
If you are in one of the aforementioned career fields, you're invited to fill out this form. We are also excited to invite you to our first interactive virtual event on Sunday, February 9th, 2023 from 5-7 p.m. entitled “F.I.R.S.T. ALERT: Networking on the Vine." This workshop will feature a guest speaker, breakout sessions by field, and networking opportunities. Please register here if you would like to attend.
Soror Renay Butler, Chairman Soror Shenae Draughn, Co-Chairman
Soror Constance R. Pizarro, Honorary Chairman
“F.I.R.S.T. on the Vine by Building Networks that Bind”