"There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.”
-Michelle Obama, Former First Lady
F.I.R.S.T. Charters
The York Pearls Interest Group became the newest chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, the Alpha Beta Chi Omega Chapter, chartered May 6, 2023. Alpha Beta Chi Omega Chapter holds the distinction of being the FIRST chapter chartered under the North Atlantic Region’s F.I.R.S.T. Administration, as well as the FIRST chapter chartered during the sorority’s international Soaring Administration! The 19 charter members of this new chapter, led by Soror Kathy L. Charles, are committed to “York Pearlfection Soaring F.I.R.S.T. in Sisterhood and Service" throughout the York, Pennsylvania community, and beyond.
...Road to 100
Rho Mu Omega in Washington, DC, honored each year of their legacy with 35 Days of Service, while the sorors of Rho Gamma Omega Chapter in New Jersey high stepped in style during "A Night of Pink of Elegance", toasting to 36 years of excellence! Delta Rho Omega Chapter commemorated its 75th milestone anniversary with a yearlong celebration that included a robust program held at the historic Brooklyn Museum, an official literary installation, and an Ivy Awards Ceremony at Leonard's Palazzo! Take a peek at these three momentous occasions!
Centennial Anniversary: Xi Omega Chapter
Washington, DC’s Xi Omega Chapter recognized its centennial anniversary through a yearlong celebration of events that began with the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service and included a prayer breakfast keynoted by Immediate Past Supreme Basileus, Dr. Glenda Baskin Glover, a Kentucky Derby-themed Jubilee, a traveling museum, and the street naming of Xi Omega Way. The year concluded with the chapter’s roaring ‘20s-themed gala, where members and guests danced the night away. Read more about their momentous year!
Xi Omega's Centennial Photo Gallery: